Home > Artworks > Isella Carrera Lamadrid

Photo of Isella Carrera Lamadrid Peru

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Naciel July 29, 1986 Piura - Carrera Lamadrid PerIsella Websites: www.thewebfoto.com http://groups.msn.com/vanguardiaartistica www.isella.artelista.com www.princesaisella.pe.kz www.artedigital7 .cubasi.cu / salon / indice_artistas.asp www.newsperuvian.com www.letrasyartes.com / www escritores.htm www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/yourgallery/ www.poetasdelmundo.com/verInfo_america.asp?ID=1032 .miadvenadotuerto.com.ar / inicio.htm...

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Naciel July 29, 1986 Piura - Carrera Lamadrid PerIsella Websites: www.thewebfoto.com http://groups.msn.com/vanguardiaartistica www.isella.artelista.com www.princesaisella.pe.kz www.artedigital7 .cubasi.cu / salon / indice_artistas.asp www.newsperuvian.com www.letrasyartes.com / www escritores.htm www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/yourgallery/ www.poetasdelmundo.com/verInfo_america.asp?ID=1032 .miadvenadotuerto.com.ar / inicio.htm www.babelearte.it/artisti.asp?ini=c&lid = www.lapsusweb.net/pages/p04/muestra.htm www.artedigital7.cubasi.cu/salon/indice_artistas.asp www.isellacuentos.blogspot.com www.margencero.com / Isella / isella_presenta.html www.redescritoresespa.com / images / directorio.htm I. PERSONAL DATA 1. Profession: Artist and Writer 2 plastic. Phone: 073-9682792 3. Email: princesaisella@yahoo.com.ar II. STUDIES and INDICATIONS: Management of design programs: Photoshop, Paint Sho Pro Student francs (Alliance France) Member of the Literary Group subsidiary Roads Per Ecuador President of the Association of Domestic and Foreign Poets (UPON) subsidiary Piura. Portal Member of World Poets active collaborator in the portal www.newsperuvian.com Join Global Network of Writers in Espaol-REMES III. Exhibitions: 2004 *. 130 Plastic Arts Exhibition Cultural Salon of the National University of Piura June-July 2004 * 2004 Digital Art Exhibition CIBER-ART Cultural Salon of the National University Piura November December 2004 * 2004 Participant of the Journal of Literature and Art SOL (O) WORDS in honor of the eminent poet Ruffo Carcamo Ladines November December 2004 2005 April: radio and television interviews Chimbote - Peru July: Presentation n the book "in ink talks with Don Quixote de la Mancha" July: Selected in the Digital Art exhibition center Pablo de la Torriente Brau in Havana - Cuba September: Binational Exhibition of Plastic Arts in Loja - Ecuador November: Binational Trujillo-Per Plastic Arts November: International Collective Painting Exhibition - Loja Ecuador in June 2006 : International Art Exhibition ALAUSI ECUADOR JULY 2006: SELECTED POETRY IN SHOWS IN THE PERUVIAN POETS 19, 2000. July: Finalist for the first International Exhibition MIAD Venado Tuerto September ARGENTINA: Binational Arts Exhibition in Ecuador in October: National Painting Exhibition 2007 Chimbote Per participation in the portal area www.newsperuvian.com ? News Cultural Exhibition from April June July virtual zero margin Magazine July Espaola Honored at the second edition of THE IMMORTAL THE XXI CENTURY

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